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- イヤホン
- KERHAND Bluetooth Headphones for Kids, Cute Ear Cat Ear LED Light Up Foldable Headphones Stereo Over Ear with Microphone/TF Card Wireless Headphone fo
夏タイヤ、ホイールセット, タックルボックス, うるち米、玄米, パワーグリップ、グローブ
KERHAND Bluetooth Headphones for Kids, Cute Ear Cat Ear LED Light Up Foldable Headphones Stereo Over Ear with Microphone/TF Card Wireless Headphone fo
・? Kid-Friendly Design These Bluetooth headphones are specially designed for kids with adorable cat ears and paws to make them look stylish and fun.
・? Wireless Convenience These kids' wireless headphones connect to any Bluetooth-enabled device with ease, allowing kids to enjoy their music or video games wirelessly.
・? Superior Sound Quality These Bluetooth headphones for kids feature powerful and balanced audio technology, delivering crystal-clear sound for an immersive experience.
・? Safe Listening These Bluetooth headphone ear cups are designed to be safe for kids' ears, limiting the maximum volume to protect their hearing from damage.
・? Ideal Gift Choice These wireless headphones for kids make an excellent gift for any child who loves music, gaming, or watching videos on their devices, making them a perfect birthday or holiday present.
説明: Bluetooth 5.0 Chip
Stable without delay:
-Longer transmission distance
-The sound quality is more perfect
- More dynamic
What's special about our cat ear headphones?
-Rainbow light effect
-Colorful colors
-10 hours battery life
- Folding storage
-HiFi sound quality
Long battery life
-Large capacity lithium battery
- Always meet your musical needs
- Don't be afraid of power outages when traveling outdoors
HiFi Dynamic Circle
-40MM large diameter sound unit
- Powerful stereo sound
- Authentic live experience
Supported usage modes:
-Bluetooth connection
-TF card
-MP3 plug-in cable
How to refresh the headset's Bluetooth:
A sort of. Turn on the Bluetooth of the headset, the indicator light flashes alternately red and green
b. Plug in the audio cable, the light goes out. show bluetooth refreshed
C. Unplug the headphone cable, then turn the Bluetooth search back on
カテゴリー: ヘッドフォン
高さ: 20.3 センチ
幅: 14.2 センチ
奥行: 8.9 センチ
重量: 0.3 Kg
全国送料無料。 注文完了後、海外倉庫から国内へ取り寄せの為、2〜3週間でのお届けとなります。日本に到着後、検品し発送させて頂きます。発送時に、配送業者と追跡番号をお伝えいたします。日本郵便、佐川急便にて発送いたします。関税手続きは全て当方で対応致します。稀に税関審査の開封による外箱の損傷がございますが、商品自体の品質は問題ございませんのでご安心ください。複数購入希望の方は、取り置きをしてまとめて発送させていただきます。(電波法上の技術基準に適合する必要がある無線機器のご検討のお客様へ:商品は並行輸入品である為、電波法上の技術基準に適合致しません。日本国内でご使用する場合、電波法に違反する恐れがございます。ご購入・ご使用には十分ご注意ください。)
: KERHAND Bluetooth Headphones for Kids, Cute Ear
: KERHAND Bluetooth Headphones for Kids, Cute Ear
: KERHAND Bluetooth Headphones for Kids, Cute Ear
: KERHAND Bluetooth Headphones for Kids, Cute Ear
Bluetooth Headphones for Kids, Cute Ear Cat Ear LED Light Up Foldable Headphones Stereo Over Ear with Microphone⁄TF Card Wireless Headphone for
KERHAND Bluetooth Headphones for Kids, Cute Ear Cat Ear LED
: KERHAND Bluetooth Headphones for Kids, Cute Ear
KERHAND Bluetooth Headphones for Kids, Cute Ear Cat Ear LED
KERHAND Bluetooth Headphones for Kids, Cute Ear Cat Ear LED
クチコミ評価(4.9 / 919件)
- abcdefg5806
- クチコミ投稿 1件
- りゅうのすけのまま
- クチコミ投稿 1件
- ミヤト4997
- クチコミ投稿 1件
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